200 hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course is a life-changing experience. Rishikesh provides a unique opportunity for practicing kundalini yoga with training in a safe environment. Kundalini yoga ignites energy in the body and in the consciousness. This practice refers to stimulating Kundalini energy through dynamic poses, breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation, singing and mantra, leading to greater spiritual growth and awareness.
Our 200-hour Kundalini yoga course is for people who are completely new to the practice and advanced yogis alike. This school trains students in Kundalini yoga practices, philosophy, and techniques while building their ability to confidently teach and guide others. It includes the chakras, kundalini energy, chants, and meditation. In addition to theory and practice workshops, students will practice yoga, breathwork, and meditation each day.
The coursework focuses on self-awareness, development and spirituality. Living Yoga School will provide lectures and group presentations to educate individuals on how to integrate yoga into a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Students become Certified Kundalini Yoga Teachers registered with Yoga Alliance upon completing the 200 hour training. When you finish this training, you will get the certificate which allows you to teach Kundalini yoga internationally and share it all that it can change a person life for good.
In this program, you'll learn all about the science of Kundalini energy. You’ll discover the chakras, how mantras can support healing and transformation, and how you can use breathwork to cultivate your practice. It includes routines of daily Kundalini yoga asanas (postures), kriyas (exercise sets), and meditative techniques. These will help you acknowledge and activate your own Kundalini energy. Activities that involve group sharing, reflection, and self-development reinforce this exploration of self-awareness.
Using the proper teaching methods is an important aspect of the subject. Students are provided with the necessary tools to organize, build, and teach their own Kundalini yoga classes. They also receive comments on how to improve their teaching techniques. By the completion of the course, students will be confident in their ability to teach Kundalini yoga to others, whether at a school, on a retreat, or one-on-one.
With expert teachers, you will be led through this life-changing experience, helping you to become a better yoga teacher and human being. The training focuses on an overall aspect of health based on fitness, mental development, and self-discovery. This brings deep peace, stability and energy to the mind and body.
Upon graduating from the course, you will be awarded a certificate from Yoga Alliance to enable you to teach Kundalini yoga classes worldwide. Whether you want to teach or would like to improve your practice for your own benefit, our 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course is the perfect way to begin your spiritual journey in the beautiful setting of Rishikesh.
Short Overview Of Our 200-Hour YTTC In Rishikesh:
With the help of a 200 hour YTT course in Rishikesh, you will get a thorough information about all seven Kundalini Chakras that in result enhances the overall well being of an individual.
Here are seven Kundalini Chakras :-All the below seven chakras are activated with the Kundalini 200 hours teacher training course in Rishikesh.
Muladhara is well located at the base of the spine. It is considered as the groundwork for the energy of the body. Through Yoga, people give stress to the stabilising the chakra. The Awakening of Kundalini starts with this chakra. The chakra is linked with smell and earth elements
This chakra is situated at the bottom of the belly buttom, two fingers wide from the Muladhara Chakra. It is associated with reproductive organs especially in women (genitals) and with sense of tongue (taste). Yogic systems focus on Svadhishthana chakra to improve the working and well being of reproductive organs.
The position of Manipura is located behind the navel of the solar plexus. It focuses on will power and accomplishment. It is related to digestion and power with a sense of sight (eyes).
In the field of Upanishads, it is known as a small glow inside the heart. Anahata is the place of prashakti. It is associated with love, compassion, touch, air and hands. It allows you to make choices out of the realm of karma.
This chakra is associated with creativity and self expression. When the chakra is active, it transforms the negative vibes into wisdom and learning. The chakra is related to speaking, hearing and element. The chakra is related to the throat. With the help of chakra, it gives the vision of three periods, past, present and future.
It is considered as the third eye, which is intellect. This is contrary to pituitary glands which are located at the center of the brain associated with the spinal. When we dream about anything, ajna is activated.
The Sahasrara chakra is located at the crown of the head. It is also the center of powerful connection with yourself with a more powerful relationship with a force of light.
This involves awakening the stagnant energy of the Kundalini with vigorous asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathwork), kriyas (cleansing exercises) and meditation. Students will also have a good understanding of Kundalini yoga theory and practices. You’ll discover chakras and flow of prana and how mantra and sound healing can change your life.
Our 200-hour YTTC teaches more than simply the physical aspects of yoga. It also emphasizes self-awareness, emotional development, and spiritual progress. You will gain valuable teaching skills such as how to effectively manage your own classes, make changes, and motivate students by teaching them in a genuine and impactful manner.
The calm surroundings of Rishikesh make the ideal setting for this journey of inner awakening, blending ancient yogic wisdom with more modern methods of teaching. By the end of the course, you'll have a solid grasp on Kundalini yoga, as well as the knowledge to pass that information on to others with the help of qualified and experienced instructors.
Experiential learning is key to our teaching approach. We believe that the greatest way to learn is to do something, thus our students practice asanas, breathing, kriyas, and meditation every day. This hands-on strategy ensures that students not only comprehend the concepts but can also apply them. Each class's purpose is to assist students connect with their minds and bodies, allowing them to understand more about Kundalini yoga's spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects.
Every student receives personalized assistance from their teachers, who give great attention to each one. This individualized support allows everyone to work at their unique pace, whether they’re just starting with yoga or are experienced practitioners. We believe in the importance of safe practice, alignment and body awareness, so that every student can build a strong foundation in the physical aspects of yoga.
All of it is important to us, but perhaps even more so than asana practice, are the intellectual and spiritual teachings of Kundalini yoga. Students will immerse themselves in holy classics like the Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita and other lessons related to Kundalini. These lessons are not just concepts but are also practically applied in day-to-day life and into self-reflecting practices. We encourage our students to incorporate yoga concepts into their daily life in order to evolve as individuals and realize their inner selves.
05:00 AM Morning Bell / Wake up
05:30 AM - 06:15 AM Silence Meditation
06:15 AM - 07:15 AM Pranayama and Meditation
07:30 AM - 09:00 AM Hatha Yoga
09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Breakfast
10:45 AM - 11:45 PM Yoga Anatomy
Walk on a Yogic Path with Living Yoga School
If you are an individual who is open to the unseen dimensions of life and its mysteries, Living yoga school offers a 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher certification in India.
This short-duration yoga school contains all tools for the yoga teachers to make a solid foundation to be yourself. The experience that you gain here in this program Kundalini Yoga Teacher certification course can become a milestone for exploiting the traditions, concepts, practices, and principles.
12:00 AM - 01:00 PM Yoga Alignment & Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology
01:15 PM - 02:00 PM Lunch
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM Self Study
03:45 PM - 04:45 PM Yoga Philosophy
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM Ashtanga Yoga
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Dinner
Understanding Kundalini Yoga
Qulification for attening Kundalini Yoga TTC
Preparation for kundalini yoga TTC
Traditional Kundalini Yoga Asana
Kundalini Yoga asanas and other practices
In kundalini Yoga, a kriya is a series of postures (asana), breath, and sound that work toward a specific outcome. Practicing a kriya initiates a sequence of physical and mental effects.
Preparatory practices for kundalini yoga asana
This practices will allow the students to feel a communion with the body, mind and senses. Body is the biggest shrine and a part of mother nature so this exercises allow you to love and feel yourself more. Each and every organ is recharged and that allow to sit for a long time in your kundalini awakening practices.
Kirtan and Chanting
Through Kirtan and Mantra chant we express our feeling to Divinity and it is a easiest way to feel divine within. Students will learn mantra and kirtan so that that can create joyfulness with their students and prepare the surroundings with a powerful vibration
Energy Lock Practices
Kundalini Tantra Mudra
Yoga Nidra
Kundalini tantra Philosophy
Satsang (Spititual Guidance)
Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course also you can ask any question to your Master.
Classical Dance
You will have the opportunity to take an indian classical dance class, it is a powerful tool to bring relaxation and happiness. Classical dance in india contains lots of mudra and shiva Shakti practices to unite our both masculine and feminine energy
Surya Kriya
Surya kriya is the practices which allow to awaken our internal hidden power. In the beginning it goes like sun salutation and in the end it awaken your energy center and balance yourself completely. The practices are done with the Bija Mantra.
Kundalini Sadhana
Yogic Detox Cleansing Exercises
Tantra Prana Kriya (Tantrik Breathing Practices)
Kriya Yoga Practices for Kundalini Awakening
Shakti Temple Visit
India has been the place of Tantra for thousand of years and Shiva symbolizes the male energy and Shakti symbolizes the femine energy. We visit Kunjapuri Devi temple and some other Shakti temple to experience the power of kundalini.
Initiation (Mantra Diksha)
Guru Vishnu who is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati will initiate you to the first step of Mantra Initiation so that student will start their journey towards the spiritual practice
Kundalini Anatomy
Ayurveda & Kundalini
Energy Transmission (Shaktipat)
We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teacher who has this experience. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna they are well experienced and learned from the tradition. This is a important part for the transformation of the student.
In kundalini Yoga, a kriya is a series of postures (asana), breath, and sound that work toward a specific outcome. Practicing a kriya initiates a sequence of physical and mental effects.
This practices will allow the students to feel a communion with the body, mind and senses. Body is the biggest shrine and a part of mother nature so this exercises allow you to love and feel yourself more. Each and every organ is recharged and that allow to sit for a long time in your kundalini awakening practices.
Through Kirtan and Mantra chant we express our feeling to Divinity and it is a easiest way to feel divine within. Students will learn mantra and kirtan so that that can create joyfulness with their students and prepare the surroundings with a powerful vibration
Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course also you can ask any question to your Master.
You will have the opportunity to take an indian classical dance class, it is a powerful tool to bring relaxation and happiness. Classical dance in india contains lots of mudra and shiva Shakti practices to unite our both masculine and feminine energy
Surya kriya is the practices which allow to awaken our internal hidden power. In the beginning it goes like sun salutation and in the end it awaken your energy center and balance yourself completely. The practices are done with the Bija Mantra.
India has been the place of Tantra for thousand of years and Shiva symbolizes the male energy and Shakti symbolizes the femine energy. We visit Kunjapuri Devi temple and some other Shakti temple to experience the power of kundalini.
Guru Vishnu who is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati will initiate you to the first step of Mantra Initiation so that student will start their journey towards the spiritual practice
We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teacher who has this experience. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna they are well experienced and learned from the tradition. This is a important part for the transformation of the student.
A 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher training in Rishikesh in Living yoga school is certified by Yoga Alliance USA. A perfect place to engross yourself and grow further in your path of yoga. Mark the foundation of your yoga journey without a perfectly designed syllabus on par with Yoga Alliance standards. The ageless scriptures and modern techniques developed by us will guide you in staining perfection in your grit of attaining the favored position of a yoga teacher.
The whole curriculum of a 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher training course in Rishikesh in Living Yoga School abides completely by Yoga Alliance USA standards. The yoga gurus will educate you with a whole passionate approach, thereby engaging with seasoned skills from numerous years of experience. We start teaching from the root and create the inner being in you that has becomes unconscious in the present day world. Bring on your actual yourself, and we will take the whole responsibility and guide you towards your goal. Be ready, as it might open up several gates of opportunities, thereby bringing wonders for those stuck with limitations, and it can be magical.
Eligibility For 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC
For a 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher training certification course, anyone and from anywhere can join, no matter what is their background, religion, or nationality.
There are no educational prerequisites for joining the program. The age of the aspirant must not extend to 60 and should not be less than eight years.
Course Date
Course Price
6 Sharing Room
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
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Limited Offer
1st To 25th Apr 2025
02 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th May 2025
03 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Jun 2025
04 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Jul 2025
03 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Aug 2025
04 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Sep 2025
05 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Oct 2025
07 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Nov 2025
06 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Dec 2025
06 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
5th To 29th Jan 2026
06 Seats left
$999$1399(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1099$1499(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
Below are the complete details about the services and facilities included in your training fee:
What does the course cost cover?
What does the course cost Not cover?
Yoga Hall Rishikesh
Accommodation Room View
Living Yoga School Surrounding
A clean room with attached bathroom will be provided. The bathroom will have 24x7 running hot water & 24 x 7 WIFI.
Three Sattvic meals will be provided in a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every meal will be a complete balance of nutrition which is apt and suiting the Yogic Life. Sattvic diet includes green leafy vegetables cooked with Indian herbs and spices, curry, bread, fruits and vegetables. Coffee or tea will be provided twice in a day.
We serve mostly vegetarian dishes. But with the requirement of the students we also provide:
Food In Rishikesh
Food In Rishikesh
Food In Rishikesh
The course would include many memories for you to take back from the Yoga Capital. On Sunday, our team arrange excursion tours to places like Kunjaouri Temples, Beatles Ashram, Geeta Ashram, Vashistha Cave. All these tours are included in the course fee. You can enjoy Traditional Indian style cuisine or International cuisine in the local scenic restaurants of Rishikesh.
All the books including other study materials will be sent after enrolment of the course, and a online 50 hour preparatory course will be given freely.
200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course
Kundalini Yoga is an inner strength practice which not only needs physical endurance but mental awareness too. I enjoyed this short course and I am taking back a lot of good memories. I definitely plan to come back for the 300 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course.
Yogic discipline and a recommended code of conduct are expected from all our dear students. Living Yoga School has the following disciplinary rules for our participants.
Our premier Yoga institute at the heart of Rishikesh instructs every student to be aware of the following policy guidelines for students:
The prior yoga experience is not required. It will be beneficial for you to have some Kundalini knowledge. You will require a great command of English so that you can understand the lectures and classes. You will also need genuine interest, commitment, and open mind.
We provide a balance of theory and practice classes. Morning Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation classes. The classes afterward will be Kundalini Awakening, Philosophy, Yoga History, and Anatomy classes. After that group discussions, mantra chanting, and meditation classes in the evening.
Yes, you will receive a Yoga Alliance RYT 200 certificate in Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. This certification allows you to teach Kundalini yoga professionally. Additionally, it enables you to teach yoga classes offline and online on the majority of countries.
Living Yoga School offers clean and comfortable room options. You can choose between shared rooms or private rooms. The choice depends on your budget and preferences. You can find more details above on the page or you can contact us to know more.
Living Yoga School provides a hands-on course that explores Kundalini principles in a comprehensive way. This includes Kundalini kriyas, meditation, pranayama, philosophy, anatomy, and the chanting of mantras. We walk with a totality to awaken your kundalini. Additionally, the entire theory and techniques which you need to learn in order to open your Chakras or Kundalini Energy.
Yes, This course and curriculum are accessible to everyone. It is best for both complete beginners and experienced practitioners. Our teachers provide customized guidance based on their experience and expertise. It ensures that everyone feels supported and comfortable.
Our training offers Kundalini yoga knowledge and ways to activate Chakras in your body. We offer personal transformation. It will help you deepen your yoga practice, gain valuable insights, and mantra chanting. It will also help you cultivate inner peace and manage stress.
We encourage our students to nourish plant-based foods during the course. We serve vegetarian meals to generate healthy eating habits. Students must not consume meat or meat-based product while they are training to ensure the yogic lifestyle.
You can apply through our website by filling out application form. After that, you will have to submit a small deposit. Then, our team will review your application form and contact you in couple of days to address further process.
The cost for our 200 hour Kundalini yoga teacher training is mentioned on the page. You can also contact us for more details.
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Through participation in our yoga training classes in Rishikesh, you will be able to achieve success, get recognition, and become a member of a global community.
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