For those already certified as RYT-200 teachers who want to deepen their practice and increase their teaching skills, our 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali provides an advanced, immersive experience.
With a great awareness of Kundalini Yoga, its philosophy, and the methods required to lead others in their spiritual path, this program is meant to empower you. The calm and holy surroundings of Bali improve the experience by offering the ideal setting for personal development and change. You will deepen your knowledge of energy work, investigate advanced Kundalini techniques, and learn how to apply these ideas to your classes and personal life throughout the training.
This instruction is about releasing and awakening your inner energy to its greatest capacity, not only about enhancing your asanas. Deeper ideas of Kundalini, the chakra system, and meditation—all of which help you to link with the actual core of the practice—will be discussed. Teaching you how to work with the body and energy in a safe and efficient manner, the course addresses thorough anatomy and physiology.
Advanced breathing techniques (pranayama) and mantras will also help you to intensify your spiritual experience and extend your meditative states. You will also learn how to lead transforming Kundalini practices for a variety of students, design advanced sequences, and change your approach of instruction.
By the end of this intensive course, you will be ready to guide students through deeper energy practices and assist them to connect with their higher selves, so arming you to teach Kundalini Yoga at an advanced degree. After completion, you will have a Yoga Alliance-certified RYT-300 qualification, which will let you teach all around and advance your professional yoga career. Our 300-hour program is also a perfect next step for dedicated yoga teachers trying to improve their practice and their instruction since it provides lots of chances for personal meditation and spiritual development.
300 hour YTTC exclusive - now includes:
Note: 3 certificates are gained to increase your knowledge and deepen your practice.These 3 certificates are all approved for Yoga Alliance registration
With an eye toward energy work, meditation, and healing techniques, this advanced course concentrates on honing the art of Kundalini Yoga. With its calm and spiritual atmosphere, Bali is the ideal location for this transforming encounter where the rich culture and natural beauty of the island accentuate the inner trip of the training.
You will explore advanced techniques, philosophy, and therapeutic approaches as you delve deeper into the lessons of Kundalini Yoga over the 300-hour program. Your meditation practice will improve, you will learn how to properly channel energy, and your awareness of the chakras will grow. The course also addresses the psychological and emotional advantages of Kundalini Yoga, so arming you with tools to help others overcome emotional blocks and challenges. Working with different groups of students will help you to develop your abilities to modify your teaching strategies to fit the particular needs of your pupils.
The program is meant to help you grow personally as well as develop as a teacher. You will spend time honing advanced postures and breathing exercises that help you to access the deeper sides of your being. Apart from physical instruction, the training emphasizes the philosophical side of Kundalini Yoga, so providing a great awareness of the energy system and how to apply it in your life and teachings. The course is designed to let you practically apply these ideas to your classes and include them into your daily life.
Following the 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training will earn you a globally acknowledged Yoga Alliance RYT-300 certification. Along with validating your advanced degree of training, this certification will give you the confidence and reputation needed to teach at higher degrees.
Overview of what you learn:
Muladhara is well located at the base of the spine. It is considered as the groundwork for the energy of the body. Through Yoga, people give stress to the stabilising the chakra. The Awakening of Kundalini starts with this chakra. The chakra is linked with smell and earth elements
This chakra is situated at the bottom of the belly buttom, two fingers wide from the Muladhara Chakra. It is associated with reproductive organs especially in women (genitals) and with sense of tongue (taste). Yogic systems focus on Svadhishthana chakra to improve the working and well being of reproductive organs.
The position of Manipura is located behind the navel of the solar plexus. It focuses on will power and accomplishment. It is related to digestion and power with a sense of sight (eyes).
In the field of Upanishads, it is known as a small glow inside the heart. Anahata is the place of prashakti. It is associated with love, compassion, touch, air and hands. It allows you to make choices out of the realm of karma.
This chakra is associated with creativity and self expression. When the chakra is active, it transforms the negative vibes into wisdom and learning. The chakra is related to speaking, hearing and element. The chakra is related to the throat. With the help of chakra, it gives the vision of three periods, past, present and future.
It is considered as the third eye, which is intellect. This is contrary to pituitary glands which are located at the center of the brain associated with the spinal. When we dream about anything, ajna is activated.
The Sahasrara chakra is located at the crown of the head. It is also the center of powerful connection with yourself with a more powerful relationship with a force of light.
Our 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali offers a once-in-a-lifetime chance to improve your teaching, deepen your practice, and start a transforming spiritual path. Renowned for its calm surroundings and spiritual energy, Bali provides the perfect setting to investigate the deep teachings of Kundalini Yoga.
Your knowledge of Kundalini Yoga will grow to be much enhanced by this training. You will explore more advanced methods, energy work, and spiritual practices. From knowledge of the subtle body and chakra system to mastery of pranayama and mudras, this course will offer you a complete toolkit to improve your own practice and instruction. Additionally learning therapeutic uses of Kundalini Yoga will help you to assist your students in their healing journey.
Our training distinguishes itself in part by stressing inner development and self-practice. The heart of the course is on strengthening your spiritual connection, even while you will learn advanced Kundalini techniques and philosophy. With small class sizes and knowledgeable teachers, the customized attention you get guarantees that you are supported all through. This program helps you to investigate the inner aspects of yoga so building a strong basis for instruction and promoting your own change. Learning and introspection should be balanced on and off the mat to help you to live up to the lessons you will then impart to others.
One further special feature of our instruction is our whole yoga approach. Physical postures, energy work, emotional healing, and spiritual awakening all fit under the curriculum since they all relate to the practice. Through Kundalini Yoga, you will teach not only but also guide others in their spiritual development by providing transforming experiences beyond the asanas. The thorough philosophical study and useful seminars guarantee that you acquire a strong knowledge of Kundalini Yoga, so improving your capacity to teach in a real and powerful manner.
Our three hundred-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali is ultimately meant to equip you as a teacher as much as a practitioner. This training is quite special in Bali because of its rich spiritual environment, our experienced teachers, and thorough program. After completion, you will have the knowledge, abilities, and personal transformation required to impart the potent lessons of Kundalini Yoga to the world.
Our 300-hour program is special in that it emphasizes not only improving your teaching but also fostering your inner development. The small class sizes and individualized advice from seasoned teachers guarantee that you will get the time and mentoring required to grow as a teacher. The calm environment of Bali helps you to further undergo this metamorphosis and create a place where you may rediscover your actual self. The program lets you teach, learn, and practice Kundalini Yoga in an honest, balanced, and profoundly anchored in the tradition manner.
After finishing this course, you will be confident and equipped to teach Kundalini Yoga all around, so spreading its great advantages with others. The road through this course will enable you to release your greatest potential as a yoga teacher, so strengthening not only your practice but also your spiritual relationship to the energy of the universe. Those prepared to travel their Kundalini path to the next level in an environment that supports healing, development, and transformation will find this course ideal.
Emphasizing on perfecting your asanas, pranayama, and meditation techniques, you will study the potent lessons of Kundalini Yoga throughout this course. More than just physical poses, this program combines energy work and holistic healing techniques to change your path both personally and professionally. This course offers you the tools to really connect with yourself and lead others to do the same, so helping you to deepen your practice or develop the skills to teach others.
Our 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali runs a disciplined daily schedule meant to offer a balanced blend of physical exercise, meditation, instruction, and introspection. Every day is carefully designed to enable you to totally absorb the lessons and undergo profound personal development.
This daily routine guarantees a balanced and immersive experience, thereby allowing you the chance to strengthen your practice, master the skill of teaching, and see personal development in the middle of Bali's serene surroundings. Every day advances your road of self-discovery, healing, and transformation.
1st 20 days practice
300 hours YTTC, experience the advanced understanding of core yoga
Last 5 Days you will practice
05:00 AM Morning Bell / Wake up
05:30 AM - 06:15 AM Silence Meditation
06:15 AM - 07:15 AM Pranayama and Meditation
07:30 AM - 09:00 AM Hatha Yoga
09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Breakfast
10:45 AM - 11:45 PM Yoga Anatomy
Join Living Yoga School To Take A Yogic Path Walk
The Living Yoga School’s 300 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training includes ethics, business, yoga nidra, meditation, pranayama, adjustments, advanced sequencing, energetics, anatomy, philosophy, kundalini kriyas, and mantras.
This training will advance personal practice and career opportunities for anyone. Receive expert guidance from our experienced instructors.
Our courses offer teachings to make you a confident and skilled yoga teacher.
12:00 AM - 01:00 PM Yoga Alignment & Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology
01:15 PM - 02:00 PM Lunch
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM Self Study
03:45 PM - 04:45 PM Yoga Philosophy
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM Kundalini Yoga
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Dinner
Note: Depending on the season, weather the timetable and timings can be subject to change.
Kundalini Yoga Tradition
Qualification for attending Kundalini Yoga TTC
Preparation for kundalini yoga TTC
Traditional Kundalini Yoga Asana (Advance Level)
Kirtan and Chanting
Through Kirtan and Mantra chant we express our feeling to Divinity and it is a easiest way to feel divine within. Students will learn mantra and kirtan so that that can create joyfulness with their students and prepare the surroundings with a powerful vibration.
Initiation (Mantra Diksha)
Guru Vishnu who is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati will initiate you to the first step of Mantra Initiation so that student will start their journey towards the spiritual practice.
Satsang (Spititual Guidance)
Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course also you can ask any question to your Master.
Reiki Healing - 1 Session
Students will receive the One Group Reiki healing session.
Sound Healing - 1 Session
Tibetan Sound bowl healing session will be organized one day for 2-3 hours to experience the sound vibration.
Surya Kriya-Vija mantra
Surya kriya is the practices which allow to awaken our internal hidden power. In the beginning it goes like sun salutation and in the end it awaken your energy center and balance yourself completely. The practices are done with the Bija Mantra.
Kundalini Sadhana-Level 2
Yogic Detox Cleansing Exercises
Kundalini Breathing (Advance level)
Kundalini Yoga theory and practice
Bandha (Energy Lock) for Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini Tantra Mudra
Yoga Nidra
Kundalini tantra Philosophy
Kundalini Anatomy
Teaching Practice
Teaching Methodology
Ayurveda & Kundalini
Classical Dance
You will have the opportunity to take an indian classical dance class, it is a powerful tool to bring relaxation and happiness. Classical dance in india contains lots of mudra and shiva Shakti practices to unite our both masculine and feminine energy.
Shakti Temple Visit
India has been the place of Tantra for thousand of years and Shiva symbolizes the male energy and Shakti symbolizes the femine energy. We visit Kunjapuri Devi temple and some other Shakti temple to experience the power of kundalini.
Energy Transmission (Shaktipat)
We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teacher who has this experience. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna they are well experienced and learned from the tradition. This is a important part for the transformation of the student.
Through Kirtan and Mantra chant we express our feeling to Divinity and it is a easiest way to feel divine within. Students will learn mantra and kirtan so that that can create joyfulness with their students and prepare the surroundings with a powerful vibration.
Guru Vishnu who is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati will initiate you to the first step of Mantra Initiation so that student will start their journey towards the spiritual practice.
Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course also you can ask any question to your Master.
Students will receive the One Group Reiki healing session.
Tibetan Sound bowl healing session will be organized one day for 2-3 hours to experience the sound vibration.
Surya kriya is the practices which allow to awaken our internal hidden power. In the beginning it goes like sun salutation and in the end it awaken your energy center and balance yourself completely. The practices are done with the Bija Mantra.
You will have the opportunity to take an indian classical dance class, it is a powerful tool to bring relaxation and happiness. Classical dance in india contains lots of mudra and shiva Shakti practices to unite our both masculine and feminine energy.
India has been the place of Tantra for thousand of years and Shiva symbolizes the male energy and Shakti symbolizes the femine energy. We visit Kunjapuri Devi temple and some other Shakti temple to experience the power of kundalini.
We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teacher who has this experience. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna they are well experienced and learned from the tradition. This is a important part for the transformation of the student.
Offering a transforming 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training that results in the esteemed RYT-300 certification, Living Yoga School This qualification is highly regarded and creates worldwide teaching possibilities. Our course is meant to gently lead you over the physical and spiritual sides of Kundalini Yoga. Our training provides the knowledge, techniques, and confidence to share the healing power of Kundalini Yoga with others, regardless of your goals—that of teacher or only deepening your practice.
This certification program addresses your own inner development and change, not only on how you run a class. From Kundalini asanas, pranayama, meditation, and kriyas to a thorough study of the chakra system and the energy flow Kundalini Yoga generates, we address all. By means of hands-on teaching experience, tailored instruction, and expert-led seminars, you will be ready to teach with authenticity and clarity.
Reaching RYT 300 certification from Yoga Alliance distinguishes you as a qualified and well-prepared Kundalini Yoga teacher. Our 300-hour course guarantees that you satisfy the rigorous criteria set by Yoga Alliance and provides the means to teach Kundalini Yoga boldly, whether in workshops, retreats, or studios. The information acquired during this program will enable you to lead the Kundalini Yoga community rather than only teach.
After finishing this course, you will be qualified to register as a RYT-300 with Yoga Alliance, known worldwide. This qualification helps you to guide people through the awakening process, encourage them, and enable them to link to their own vitality. You will be part of a worldwide community of yoga teachers and have the chance to permanently influence the life of your pupils.
Eligibility for 300-Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC
Designed for those who have already finished a 200-hour yoga teacher training and are looking to deepen their practice and teaching techniques, the 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training at Living Yoga School is Although past knowledge in Kundalini Yoga is not a strict need, it is advantageous to have a basic knowledge of yoga philosophy, asanas, and meditation techniques. Dedicated yogis ready to grow their knowledge, improve their personal practice, and earn certifications to teach at an advanced level can access this training.
This program is for you if you are a driven practitioner dedicated to spiritual development, self-awareness, and instruction of others. The 300-hour TTC offers a complete approach whether your goals are to hone your current abilities or investigate the deeper facets of Kundalini Yoga. Focusing on advanced methods and personal development, this course is ideal for those prepared to progress their path and become a qualified Kundalini Yoga teacher.
Course Date
Course Price
6 Sharing Room
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
Book Now
Limited Offer
1st To 25th Apr 2025
02 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th May 2025
03 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Jun 2025
04 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Jul 2025
03 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Aug 2025
03 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Sep 2025
06 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Oct 2025
06 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Nov 2025
07 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Dec 2025
05 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
1st To 25th Jan 2026
07 Seats left
$1599$1999(Females Only)
6 Sharing Room
$1799$2199(Females Only)
4 Sharing Room
2 Sharing Room
Private Room
Note: Guru Vishnu & Maa HariPriya both organise their time between Rishikesh and Bali depending on their schedules.
What does the course fee include?
What is Not Included in the Course Fees?
Room In Bali
Room In Bali
Room In Bali
Accommodation & Food
One is well aware of the exquisite flavor in the cuisine of Bali and India. Ayurveda and yoga instruct on how to use your nutrition to balance the body. Different foods affect your several systems and elements. During this session, the most delicious and nutritious meals will be enjoyed by the students. Throughout their course, students will eat healthy vegetarian meals. Except for Sunday lunch and supper since it is a free day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served daily.
We guide the kitchen crew and help them to create meals with spiritual resonance. In their cooking, they utilize no meat, eggs, or alcohol. We also advise you not to make use of them during the training. We provide 21 days of lodging in Bali for this training. Private to shared rooms make up the accommodation spectrum. The course cost does not cover the rates for private rooms. Conversely, private rooms fill up fast, hence you will have to finish the registration process early to obtain private lodging.
School Surrounding
School Surrounding
School Surrounding
During Sundays, we serve only breakfast. You can enjoy lunch and dinner outdoors from amazing local restaurants and get to know more about Bali food culture.
Bali is an amazing location for yoga teacher preparation given the environment that promotes both personal and professional growth. Rich scenery, a calm island, and quiet beaches all help to create the perfect environment for you to improve your practice and connect with your inner self.
Whether you're working on a quiet yoga mat surrounded by nature or meditating by the sea, Bali's beauty and spirituality inspire inner serenity and mindfulness at all phases of your path.
Beyond only its natural beauty, Bali is a hub for spiritual growth and healing. Long considered as a haven of healing, it attracts yoga teachers, spiritual searchers, and wellness enthusiasts from all around the world. On the island, rich cultural legacy, holy shrines, and active local customs create a unique setting that encourages metamorphosis. Living Yoga School creates a loving environment using Bali's energy so you might sink yourself into yoga and deepen your knowledge of the practice.
Choosing Bali for your yoga teacher certification offers more than just a gorgeous setting; it's an opportunity to engage with a global yoga community, build close relationships, and go through personal growth. Because of its friendly surroundings and focus on well-being, those wanting to start a transforming journey and boost their yoga practice will find the island the ideal location.
All the books including other study materials will be sent after enrolment of the course, and a online 50 hour preparatory course will be given freely.
We expect our students to follow some rules and regulations during the Bali Yoga teacher training. It will help us to maintain a safe learning environment for everyone. Read the following rules carefully:
Living Yoga School is a Yoga Alliance-affiliated school and follows all the guidelines.
The training takes 4 weeks. Our 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Bali provides an immersive experience that lets participants really engage with the practice and teachings.
You have to have finished a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program in order to register in the 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. Before moving on to more advanced lessons, this basic instruction guarantees that participants have a strong awareness of yoga principles and practices.
Indeed, Yoga Alliance registered the 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program in Bali. After completing successfully, you will get a certification allowing you to teach Kundalini Yoga all around.
The daily calendar is set to offer a harmonic mix of theoretical knowledge, physical exercise, and introspection. With lots of time for rest and self-study, it usually comprises early morning meditation, asana sessions, philosophical lectures, and group discussions.
Yes, the training package offers pleasant accommodation and vegetarian food. This kind of arrangement lets you concentrate totally on your studies and practice without having to plan separate accommodation or meals.
Advanced Kundalini techniques like: kriyas, meditations, and mantras; are taught in the curriculum. It also explores Kundalini, the chakra system, methods to balance and activate energy centers, and science related to The course also addresses teaching strategies, anatomy, and yoga philosophy.
Yes, the training is meant to give every individual tailored attention. Small class sizes guarantee that teachers can provide customized instruction, so promoting a favorable learning environment.
Successful completion of the 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training will certify you to teach Kundalini Yoga courses all around. This certification qualifies you to disseminate the transforming practice among others.
The 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is currently offered personally in Bali. Deeper connection with the practice and community is made possible by this immersive approach.
Our training covers meals, lodging, tuition, and training resources. We charge $xxxx for the 300 hour kundalini yoga ttc in Bali. More details are given in the course page.
Get The Best Expirence Of Your Life
Achieve success, Gain recognition, and be a part of a global community with our yoga training courses in Bali
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