500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

500 hour kundalini yoga teacher training in rishikesh

500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) In Rishikesh, India

Our 500-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh is a transformative yoga training course for everyone who wants to refine their teaching skills. Covering advanced asanas, deep meditation, breathwork, philosophy, and teaching style, this complete Kundalini yoga course combines the 200-hour and 300-hour programs. After the program, you will be certified to teach Kundalini yoga globally and receive the Yoga Alliance RYT 500 certificate.

The program starts with advanced asanas and alignment techniques to deepen your practice and understanding of yoga's physical components. These exercises will strengthen, flex, and balance your body and teach you how to align your energy to increase prana flow. Correct alignment is stressed in each pose, helping you improve your own practice and teach others safe and successful practices.

This course offers a unique opportunity to study Kundalini yoga's profound teachings and practices, integrating theory and practice to help you become a well-rounded, authentic, and skilled yoga teacher.

The training explores the chakra system and how to use each chakra to eliminate spiritual blocks and awaken the latent Kundalini energy at the base of the spine in addition to physical postures. Advanced energy balancing and harmonization techniques, breathwork (pranayama), and kriyas (special exercises) to promote energy flow and consciousness will be covered. All these activities affect you and your body. In short, it allows you to access higher consciousness.

500 hour kundalini yoga teacher training in india 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh

More About 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC In Rishikesh, India

At its core, instruction around meditation is a central tenant of Kundalini yoga. You’re going to learn how to use powerful meditation practices to help you awaken and activate your energy within, clear your mind, and connect to your true self on a deeper level. These techniques will help you overcome your ego, attain inner peace, and achieve greater consciousness levels. The curriculum also delves into the transformative power of sound with mantra chanting and sound healing.

The course weaves in the philosophical teachings of Kundalini yoga which are critical throughout the course. They teach the old teachings and the concepts the practice is built around. You will learn sacred texts like content from the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita, plus other information about Kundalini energy. We will help you explore deeper meanings of Kundalini. Moreover, you will be able to decide how to integrate them into your own life and practice. Our 500-hour kundalini yoga course will not only teach you more about yoga but will also make your life more aware and purposeful.

You will study advanced teaching strategies as part of the program, which you will use to enhance your teaching process. You will discover how to construct and structure Kundalini yoga courses in a manner that is effective, balanced, and easy to follow for individuals of all expertise levels. You are equipped to teach, confidently, and with kindness. That will allow you to guide your students through similar, life-altering events.

Short Overview Of Our 500-Hour YTTC In Rishikesh:

  • Holistic Yoga
  • Modern & Ancient yoga combination
  • Life-style yoga
  • Hatha & Ashtanga
  • Body Alignment
  • Asana adjustment
  • Nutrition
  • Yoga therapy
  • Ayurveda
  • Science of chakra & kundalini
  • Yoga nidra
  • Bandha
  • Mudra
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation
  • Anatomy
  • Philosophy
  • Contemplation
  • Mantra
  • Dance & Kirtan
  • Inspiration Movies
  • Satsang 
  • Mindfullness
  • Silence
  • Breath awarenss
  • Contemplation
500 hour Kundalini yoga ttc in rishikesh
500 hour Kundalini yoga ttc course in rishikesh
500 hour Kundalini yoga teacher training course
500 hour Kundalini yoga certification course in rishikesh
500 hour kundalini yoga ttc in india
500 hour Kundalini ttc weekend excursion

Kundalini Chakras (Write About All 7 Kundalini Chakras)

kundalini chakra

Muladhara Chakra- Root

Muladhara is well located at the base of the spine. It is considered as the groundwork for the energy of the body. Through Yoga, people give stress to the stabilising the chakra. The Awakening of Kundalini starts with this chakra. The chakra is linked with smell and earth elements


Svadhishthana chakra- Sacral

This chakra is situated at the bottom of the belly buttom, two fingers wide from the Muladhara Chakra. It is associated with reproductive organs especially in women (genitals) and with sense of tongue (taste). Yogic systems focus on Svadhishthana chakra to improve the working and well being of reproductive organs.


Manipura Chakra- Solar Plexus

The position of Manipura is located behind the navel of the solar plexus. It focuses on will power and accomplishment. It is related to digestion and power with a sense of sight (eyes).

500 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC Rishikesh

Anahata Chakra- Heart

In the field of Upanishads, it is known as a small glow inside the heart. Anahata is the place of prashakti. It is associated with love, compassion, touch, air and hands. It allows you to make choices out of the realm of karma.

 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In India

Vishuddha Chakra- Throat

This chakra is associated with creativity and self expression. When the chakra is active, it transforms the negative vibes into wisdom and learning. The chakra is related to speaking, hearing and element. The chakra is related to the throat. With the help of chakra, it gives the vision of three periods, past, present and future.

500 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC In India

Ajna Chakra- Third Eye

It is considered as the third eye, which is intellect. This is contrary to pituitary glands which are located at the center of the brain associated with the spinal. When we dream about anything, ajna is activated.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Sahasrara Chakra- Crown Of Head

The Sahasrara chakra is located at the crown of the head. It is also the center of powerful connection with yourself with a more powerful relationship with a force of light.

Overview Of Our 500h Kundalini YTTC in Rishikesh

The school emphasizes personal and professional development, as well as teaching proven skills that can be used immediately. You will get to do self-diagnostic, journaling, and connecting with other group members. Some of these will help you learn more about yourself and your relationship to your practice. Not only does this journey of self-discovery improve your own self-development, but it enables you to be a better teacher too.

After completing this 500-hour course you will have proper knowledge about Kundalini yoga with advanced techniques and teaching methods. This way you'll have all the bases covered to teach Kundalini yoga around the world, along with the confidence and the competence to help others through their own yogic experience. You will be able to communicate the life-changing power of Kundalini yoga to everyone, whether you teach in yoga studios, retreats, or one-on-one.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh is a 500-Hour Internati… The trip that will change your life, make you the best teacher you can be and help you live to your full potential. In this spiritual capital, it will transform you. You will teach authentically, well-informed, and with skills.

Our Unique Teaching Methods & Curriculum

Living Yoga School ensures that our classes include a solid balance of theory and practicals.  It will help you understand the Kundalini, Chakras, and Awakening process. We follow the traditional approach so you can connect with nature. Our curriculum is uniquely crafted by our expert teachers. It also follows the Yoga Alliance guidelines. Our teachers have degrees or diplomas in their subjects. This ensures that trainees practice correctly while also understanding the more subtle postures.

Sound healing and mantra chanting are two distinct components of the training. Students discover how to employ the ancient power of sound waves to heal and balance their energy. Mantra practices are utilized in daily meetings to elevate the practice's vibrations, assist participants in connecting with themselves more profoundly, and erase blockages in their minds and energy systems. These sound exercises create a space for healing, shifting energy, and finding inner calm.

Self-reflection and group discussions are also essential components of our training. Group discussions will help you understand the topics better and also resolves your queries. You will be able to share your thoughts and concerns. The group portion of the training makes everyone feel like they're learning together and helps folks better grasp the inner journey that yoga may help with.

500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In India

We believe in the power of collective knowledge, and group conversations provide a secure space for people to express their emotions and grow spiritually.

What Makes Living Yoga School's Course Unique?

  • High quality of teachings
  • Highly qualified yoga teachers
  • Satsang and motivation from real yogi
  • Safety and secured environment specially for the women
  • Expanded curriculum that cover also yoga nidra, Ayurveda, life style etc
  • Situated in the best location
  • Family type environment
  • Spiritual, lifestyle and therapy oriented yoga course

Daily Schedule For 500-Hour Kundalini YTTC in Rishikesh, India

05:00 AM Morning Bell / Wake up

05:30 AM - 06:15 AM Silence Meditation

06:15 AM - 07:15 AM Pranayama and Meditation

07:30 AM - 09:00 AM Hatha Yoga

09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Breakfast

10:45 AM - 11:45 PM Yoga Anatomy

Walk on a Yogic Path with Living Yoga School

If you are an individual who is open to the unseen dimensions of life and its mysteries, Living yoga school offers a 200 hour yoga teacher in India.

This short-duration yoga school contains all tools for the yoga teachers to make a solid foundation to be yourself. The experience that you gain here in this program yoga teacher certification course can become a milestone for exploiting the traditions, concepts, practices, and principles.

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12:00 AM - 01:00 PM Yoga Alignment & Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology

01:15 PM - 02:00 PM Lunch

02:30 PM - 03:30 PM Self Study

03:45 PM - 04:45 PM Yoga Philosophy

05:00 PM - 06:30 PM Ashtanga Yoga

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Dinner

Complete Curriculum Of Yoga Alliance 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC

Kundalini Yoga Tradition

  • Kundalini Yoga Traditions of India
  • Development of Kundalini Yoga
  • Kundalini and other types of yoga
  • What kundalini is not?
  • Kundalini yoga in different traditions of the world
  • Is it safe to practice kundalini yoga from a normal yoga teacher and school?
  • How to know who is a kundalini yoga teacher
  • dangers of kundalini yoga

Prerequisites for Advanced Kundalini Yoga TTC

  • Must have firm knowledge of yoga and learned from a good teacher
  • 6 months of regular practice
  • No drug/marijuana use
  • Not have any mental health problems or instabilities which are causing you distress or affecting your day-to-day life in a way which may prevent you from completing the course or participating in a demanding schedule.
  • You must have devotion and trust to the teacher and respect to the traditions of Kundalini and Yoga.
  • This is not a religious course, so people of any faith can practice Kundalini Yoga.

Preparation for Kundalini Yoga TTC

  • Proper Sitting, Breathing and relaxation
  • Proper focus on the point which will be guided
  • Detox and removal of toxins from the body

Traditional Kundalini Yoga Asana (Advance Level)

  • Alignment, Assist and Adjustment
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutation)
  • Chandra namaskar (moon salutation)
  • Bharadvajasana
  • Lolasana – swinging pose
  • Kukkutasana – rooster pose
  • Sarpasana – snake pose
  • Shalabhasana – locust pose
  • Dhanurasana – bow pose
  • Paschimottanasana – seated forward bend
  • Janusirshasana – head to knee pose
  • Parivirtajanusirshasana – revolving head to knee pose
  • Sarvangasana – shoulder stand
  • Padamsarvangasana – shoulder stand lotus pose
  • Sirshasana- Headstand
  • Natarajasana – lord shiva’s pose
  • Utthita hasta padangusthasana
  • Naukasana –Boat pose
  • Vatayanasana – horse face pose
  • Mayurasana – peacock pose
  • Koormasana – tortoise pose
  • Chakrasana –wheel pose
  • Hanumanasana – monkey pose
  • Agnistambhasana- fire log pose
  • Brahmacharyasana –celibate’s pose
  • Astavakrasana – eight-twists pose
  • Ekpadasirasana – one foot to head pose
  • ChaturangaDandasana
  • PinchaMayurasana-Feathered Peacock Pose
  • EkaPadaKoundinyasana- sage koundinyasana
  • Handstand – AdhoMukhaVrksasana
  • ArdhaPinchaMayurasana- dolphin pose
  • MakaraAdhoMukhaSvanasana- dolphin plank pose
  • Bakasana –crow pose
  • Ekpadabakasana – one leg crow
  • UtthanPristhasana- lizard pose
  • Pashasana-Noose Pose
  • Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana- sundial or compass pose
  • Titibasana-fire fly pose
  • Parshvabakasana – side crow

Yogic Detox Cleansing Exercises

  • Jalaneti
  • Rubber Neti
  • Jihwadhauti
  • Agnisar
  • KunjalKriya
  • Kapalbhati
  • Tratak


  • Archer pose (Virbhadrasana)
  • Baby Pose (Garbhasana)
  • Back rolls
  • Stretch backward
  • Boat pose
  • Bow pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Butterfly pose
  • Camel pose
  • Cat –cow
  • Cat stretch
  • Cobra pose
  • Chair pose
  • Corpse pose
  • Celibate pose
  • Crow pose
  • Guru pranam
  • Ego eradicator
  • Frog pose
  • Front bends
  • Fish pose
  • Kundalini lotus
  • Leg lift
  • Lift nerve stretch
  • Life nerve stretch
  • Locust pose
  • Neck rolls
  • Maha mudra kriya
  • Pelvic lifts
  • Platform pose (front)
  • Plow pose
  • Platform pose (back)
  • Sat kriya
  • Shoulder stand
  • Shoulder Shrugs
  • Sitting bends
  • Sufi grind
  • Rock pose
  • Spinal Flex
  • Spinal twist
  • Yoga mudra
  • Strength pose
  • Tree pose
  • Triangle pose
  • Wheel pose
  • Asana to awake visuddha
  • Asana to awake 10 bodies
  • Surya kriya
  • Sat kriya
  • Kirtankriya 1-3
  • Laya Yoga Kundalini Mantra 1-2
  • Healing with the SiriGaitri Mantra 1-2
  • Meditation for projection and protection from the heart
  • Meditation to change the ego
  • Breaking the Mask

Surya Kriya-Vija mantra

Surya kriya is the practices which allow to awaken our internal hidden power. In the beginning it goes like sun salutation and in the end it awaken your energy center and balance yourself completely. The practices are done with the Bija Mantra.

Kirtan and Chanting

Through Kirtan and Mantra chant we express our feeling to Divinity and it is a easiest way to feel divine within. Students will learn mantra and kirtan so that that can create joyfulness with their students and prepare the surroundings with a powerful vibration.

Shakti Temple Visit

India has been the place of Tantra for thousand of years and Shiva symbolizes the male energy and Shakti symbolizes the femine energy. We visit Kunjapuri Devi temple and some other Shakti temple to experience the power of kundalini.

Initiation (Mantra Diksha)

Guru Vishnu is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati and will initiate you into the first step of Mantra Initiaion, so that you canbegin your spiritual journey and practice.

Kundalini tantra Philosophy

  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
  • Defination of the Chakra
  • Understanding the Chakra
  • Mooladhara Chakra
  • Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Manipura Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Vishudhhi chakra
  • Aagya Chakra
  • Sahasrar chakra
  • Kundalini Awakening process
  • Mantra-Shaktipata
  • Relationship between sex and kundalini
  • Importance of Brahmacharya for awakening
  • Discipline of Sex in daily life to maintain health and harmony

Teaching Practice & Methodology

Teaching Practice

  • Demonstration
  • Alignment
  • Instructions

Teaching Methodology

  • Positive and conscious communication
  • Friendship and trust
  • Time management
  • Quality of a teacher
  • Use voice in the class
  • Mental and emotional preparation for teaching
  • Class preparation
  • Step by step class structure planning

Ayurveda & Kundalini

  • Understanding Ayurveda to balance our energy system
  • Chakra Massage
  • 5 element theory applying to our body energy
  • Dhatus
  • Vayu
  • Tridosha

KundaliniSadhana-Level 2

  • Kundalini Mantra Chant Level 2
  • Devi Prayer
  • Maun Sadhana
  • JapaSadhana
  • Meditation for kundalini
  • Preparation to meditation
  • Creating a foundation for kundalini meditation
  • Developing concentration
  • Art of cleaning and opening chakras
  • Mantra meditation for different daties of different chakras
  • Disturbances on kundalini meditation

Kundalini Anatomy

  • Nadis/Energy channel
  • Chakras
  • Panchakosha (5 sheaths)
  • Respiratory system
  • Nervous system

Kundalini Breathing (Advance level)

This practices will allow the students to feel a communion with the body, mind and senses. Body is the biggest shrine and a part of mother nature so this exercises allow you to love and feel yourself more. Each and every organ is recharged and that allow to sit for a long time in your kundalini awakening practices.

  • KosthyaSwasa (Diaphragmatic breathing) for prolonging and smooth breath
  • KapalBhati – For Awakening 3rd Eye and emotional cleansing
  • Bhastrika – For Awakening fire centre and Emotional Stability
  • Bhramari – Transforming Brain Waves and cleansing ajna and Sahasrar chakra
  • Nadi-shodhanam – For balancing both hemisphere and activate susumna
  • Dynamic of breath
  • Upper Susumna breathing
  • Lower Susumna breathing (Spinal breathing)
  • Understanding prana and Swasa

Kundalini Yoga theory and practice

  • Serpent power
  • Why kundalini is sleeping
  • Risk to awakening kundalini
  • Food for kundalini awakening
  • Sex and kundalini
  • Tantric understaning of kundalini
  • Muladhar chakra
  • Swadhisthan chakra
  • Manipura chakra
  • Anahata chakra
  • Visuddhi chakra
  • Ajna chakra
  • Sahasrara chakra
  • Guru and disciple relation ship
  • Initiation
  • Faminine energy

Bandha (Energy Lock) for Kundalini Awakening

  • Mulabandha (for stability and awakening of Kundalini)
  • Uddhiyanabandha (Abdominal lock for balancing inner organs)
  • Jalandhar bandha (throat lock)
  • MahaBandha
  • What is Energy blockages
  • Reasons of blocking the energy and chakras
  • Three majors energy blockges
  • Great Energy Lock (balancing the whole system to awake kundalini)

KundaliniTantra Mudra

  • Jnana Mudra and Chin Mudra (to balance the fire and air energy to improve concentrationf)
  • Yoni Mudra: invokes the primal energy inherent in the womb or sourse of creation
  • Bhairava Mudra: help to unite the individual and supreme consciousness
  • HridayaMdura: Improve the vitality of the heart.it helps to release pent up emotion and remove emotional conflict.
  • Shambhavi Mudra: improve mental stability and state of thoughtlessness
  • Khechari Mudra: Practicing this a yogi trap the descending drops of amrita at vishudhi overcoming hunger and thirst, and rejuvenating the entire body.
  • ViparitKarani Mudra: It balance the activities of the thyroid. It balance the ida and pingalanadi so that kundalini can move through susumnanadi

Yoga Nidra

  • Necessity of yoga nidra for kundalini practitioner
  • What type of yoga nidra is included in kundalinisadhana
  • Deep relaxstion
  • Subtle body awakening yoga nidra
  • 31 point blue star yoga nidra

Energy Transmission (Shaktipat)

We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teacher who has this experience. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna they are well experienced and learned from the tradition. This is a important part for the transformation of the student.

Satsang (Spititual Guidance)

Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course also you can ask any question to your Master.

Classical Dance

You will have the opportunity to take an indian classical dance class, it is a powerful tool to bring relaxation and happiness. Classical dance in India contains lots of mudra and Shiva Shakti practices to unite our both masculine and feminine energy.

Reiki Healings: 1 session

Students will receive the one Group Reiki Session.

Sound Healing - 2 sessions

Tibetan Sound bowl healing session will be organized one day for 2-3 hours to experience the sound vibration.

The Healing Modules On The Course

  • Initiation (Mantra Diksha): Guru Vishnu who is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati will initiate you to the first step of Mantra Initiation so that student will start their journey towards the spiritual practice.
  • Energy Transmission (Shaktipat): We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teache. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna are well experienced and learned from the ancient ad sacred tradition. This is a important part of the transformation process for the student.
  • Satsang (Spititual Guidance): Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course, you can continue to ask your mster any questions or queries you may have about your practice and journey.
  • Reiki Healing: 1 Session Students will receive the one group Reiki healing session.
  • Sound Healing - 2 sessions: Tibetan Sound bowl healing session will be organized one day for 2-3 hours to experience the sound vibration.

Complete Curriculum Of Yoga Alliance 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC

  • Kundalini Yoga Traditions of India
  • Development of Kundalini Yoga
  • Kundalini and other types of yoga
  • What kundalini is not?
  • Kundalini yoga in different traditions of the world
  • Is it safe to practice kundalini yoga from a normal yoga teacher and school?
  • How to know who is a kundalini yoga teacher
  • dangers of kundalini yoga

  • Must have firm knowledge of yoga and learned from a good teacher
  • 6 months of regular practice
  • No drug/marijuana use
  • Not have any mental health problems or instabilities which are causing you distress or affecting your day-to-day life in a way which may prevent you from completing the course or participating in a demanding schedule.
  • You must have devotion and trust to the teacher and respect to the traditions of Kundalini and Yoga.
  • This is not a religious course, so people of any faith can practice Kundalini Yoga.

  • Proper Sitting, Breathing and relaxation
  • Proper focus on the point which will be guided
  • Detox and removal of toxins from the body

  • Alignment, Assist and Adjustment
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutation)
  • Chandra namaskar (moon salutation)
  • Bharadvajasana
  • Lolasana – swinging pose
  • Kukkutasana – rooster pose
  • Sarpasana – snake pose
  • Shalabhasana – locust pose
  • Dhanurasana – bow pose
  • Paschimottanasana – seated forward bend
  • Janusirshasana – head to knee pose
  • Parivirtajanusirshasana – revolving head to knee pose
  • Sarvangasana – shoulder stand
  • Padamsarvangasana – shoulder stand lotus pose
  • Sirshasana- Headstand
  • Natarajasana – lord shiva’s pose
  • Utthita hasta padangusthasana
  • Naukasana –Boat pose
  • Vatayanasana – horse face pose
  • Mayurasana – peacock pose
  • Koormasana – tortoise pose
  • Chakrasana –wheel pose
  • Hanumanasana – monkey pose
  • Agnistambhasana- fire log pose
  • Brahmacharyasana –celibate’s pose
  • Astavakrasana – eight-twists pose
  • Ekpadasirasana – one foot to head pose
  • ChaturangaDandasana
  • PinchaMayurasana-Feathered Peacock Pose
  • EkaPadaKoundinyasana- sage koundinyasana
  • Handstand – AdhoMukhaVrksasana
  • ArdhaPinchaMayurasana- dolphin pose
  • MakaraAdhoMukhaSvanasana- dolphin plank pose
  • Bakasana –crow pose
  • Ekpadabakasana – one leg crow
  • UtthanPristhasana- lizard pose
  • Pashasana-Noose Pose
  • Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana- sundial or compass pose
  • Titibasana-fire fly pose
  • Parshvabakasana – side crow

  • Jalaneti
  • Rubber Neti
  • Jihwadhauti
  • Agnisar
  • KunjalKriya
  • Kapalbhati
  • Tratak

  • Archer pose (Virbhadrasana)
  • Baby Pose (Garbhasana)
  • Back rolls
  • Stretch backward
  • Boat pose
  • Bow pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Butterfly pose
  • Camel pose
  • Cat –cow
  • Cat stretch
  • Cobra pose
  • Chair pose
  • Corpse pose
  • Celibate pose
  • Crow pose
  • Guru pranam
  • Ego eradicator
  • Frog pose
  • Front bends
  • Fish pose
  • Kundalini lotus
  • Leg lift
  • Lift nerve stretch
  • Life nerve stretch
  • Locust pose
  • Neck rolls
  • Maha mudra kriya
  • Pelvic lifts
  • Platform pose (front)
  • Plow pose
  • Platform pose (back)
  • Sat kriya
  • Shoulder stand
  • Shoulder Shrugs
  • Sitting bends
  • Sufi grind
  • Rock pose
  • Spinal Flex
  • Spinal twist
  • Yoga mudra
  • Strength pose
  • Tree pose
  • Triangle pose
  • Wheel pose
  • Asana to awake visuddha
  • Asana to awake 10 bodies
  • Surya kriya
  • Sat kriya
  • Kirtankriya 1-3
  • Laya Yoga Kundalini Mantra 1-2
  • Healing with the SiriGaitri Mantra 1-2
  • Meditation for projection and protection from the heart
  • Meditation to change the ego
  • Breaking the Mask

Surya kriya is the practices which allow to awaken our internal hidden power. In the beginning it goes like sun salutation and in the end it awaken your energy center and balance yourself completely. The practices are done with the Bija Mantra.

Through Kirtan and Mantra chant we express our feeling to Divinity and it is a easiest way to feel divine within. Students will learn mantra and kirtan so that that can create joyfulness with their students and prepare the surroundings with a powerful vibration.

India has been the place of Tantra for thousand of years and Shiva symbolizes the male energy and Shakti symbolizes the femine energy. We visit Kunjapuri Devi temple and some other Shakti temple to experience the power of kundalini.

Guru Vishnu is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati and will initiate you into the first step of Mantra Initiaion, so that you canbegin your spiritual journey and practice.

  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
  • Defination of the Chakra
  • Understanding the Chakra
  • Mooladhara Chakra
  • Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Manipura Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Vishudhhi chakra
  • Aagya Chakra
  • Sahasrar chakra
  • Kundalini Awakening process
  • Mantra-Shaktipata
  • Relationship between sex and kundalini
  • Importance of Brahmacharya for awakening
  • Discipline of Sex in daily life to maintain health and harmony

Teaching Practice

  • Demonstration
  • Alignment
  • Instructions

Teaching Methodology

  • Positive and conscious communication
  • Friendship and trust
  • Time management
  • Quality of a teacher
  • Use voice in the class
  • Mental and emotional preparation for teaching
  • Class preparation
  • Step by step class structure planning

  • Understanding Ayurveda to balance our energy system
  • Chakra Massage
  • 5 element theory applying to our body energy
  • Dhatus
  • Vayu
  • Tridosha

  • Kundalini Mantra Chant Level 2
  • Devi Prayer
  • Maun Sadhana
  • JapaSadhana
  • Meditation for kundalini
  • Preparation to meditation
  • Creating a foundation for kundalini meditation
  • Developing concentration
  • Art of cleaning and opening chakras
  • Mantra meditation for different daties of different chakras
  • Disturbances on kundalini meditation

  • Nadis/Energy channel
  • Chakras
  • Panchakosha (5 sheaths)
  • Respiratory system
  • Nervous system

This practices will allow the students to feel a communion with the body, mind and senses. Body is the biggest shrine and a part of mother nature so this exercises allow you to love and feel yourself more. Each and every organ is recharged and that allow to sit for a long time in your kundalini awakening practices.

  • KosthyaSwasa (Diaphragmatic breathing) for prolonging and smooth breath
  • KapalBhati – For Awakening 3rd Eye and emotional cleansing
  • Bhastrika – For Awakening fire centre and Emotional Stability
  • Bhramari – Transforming Brain Waves and cleansing ajna and Sahasrar chakra
  • Nadi-shodhanam – For balancing both hemisphere and activate susumna
  • Dynamic of breath
  • Upper Susumna breathing
  • Lower Susumna breathing (Spinal breathing)
  • Understanding prana and Swasa

  • Serpent power
  • Why kundalini is sleeping
  • Risk to awakening kundalini
  • Food for kundalini awakening
  • Sex and kundalini
  • Tantric understaning of kundalini
  • Muladhar chakra
  • Swadhisthan chakra
  • Manipura chakra
  • Anahata chakra
  • Visuddhi chakra
  • Ajna chakra
  • Sahasrara chakra
  • Guru and disciple relation ship
  • Initiation
  • Faminine energy

  • Mulabandha (for stability and awakening of Kundalini)
  • Uddhiyanabandha (Abdominal lock for balancing inner organs)
  • Jalandhar bandha (throat lock)
  • MahaBandha
  • What is Energy blockages
  • Reasons of blocking the energy and chakras
  • Three majors energy blockges
  • Great Energy Lock (balancing the whole system to awake kundalini)

  • Jnana Mudra and Chin Mudra (to balance the fire and air energy to improve concentrationf)
  • Yoni Mudra: invokes the primal energy inherent in the womb or sourse of creation
  • Bhairava Mudra: help to unite the individual and supreme consciousness
  • HridayaMdura: Improve the vitality of the heart.it helps to release pent up emotion and remove emotional conflict.
  • Shambhavi Mudra: improve mental stability and state of thoughtlessness
  • Khechari Mudra: Practicing this a yogi trap the descending drops of amrita at vishudhi overcoming hunger and thirst, and rejuvenating the entire body.
  • ViparitKarani Mudra: It balance the activities of the thyroid. It balance the ida and pingalanadi so that kundalini can move through susumnanadi

  • Necessity of yoga nidra for kundalini practitioner
  • What type of yoga nidra is included in kundalinisadhana
  • Deep relaxstion
  • Subtle body awakening yoga nidra
  • 31 point blue star yoga nidra

We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teacher who has this experience. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna they are well experienced and learned from the tradition. This is a important part for the transformation of the student.

Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course also you can ask any question to your Master.

You will have the opportunity to take an indian classical dance class, it is a powerful tool to bring relaxation and happiness. Classical dance in India contains lots of mudra and Shiva Shakti practices to unite our both masculine and feminine energy.

Students will receive the one Group Reiki Session.

Tibetan Sound bowl healing session will be organized one day for 2-3 hours to experience the sound vibration.

  • Initiation (Mantra Diksha): Guru Vishnu who is a Himalayan Master and disciple of Swami Veda Bharati will initiate you to the first step of Mantra Initiation so that student will start their journey towards the spiritual practice.
  • Energy Transmission (Shaktipat): We all know that only a light can lit the another light. Kundalini Yoga always should be practiced under an experienced teache. Yogi Vishnu and Swami Krishna are well experienced and learned from the ancient ad sacred tradition. This is a important part of the transformation process for the student.
  • Satsang (Spititual Guidance): Guruji’s guidance is so powerful and inspiring. The Kundalini TTC will guide your life ahead and inspire you in every moment of life. After the course, you can continue to ask your mster any questions or queries you may have about your practice and journey.
  • Reiki Healing: 1 Session Students will receive the one group Reiki healing session.
  • Sound Healing - 2 sessions: Tibetan Sound bowl healing session will be organized one day for 2-3 hours to experience the sound vibration.
500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In India

Yoga Alliance RYT 500 Certification And Curriculum

Yoga Alliance is an international support organization for yoga schools across the world. It gives support to all students as well as teachers to teach Yoga. The directory of Yoga Alliance represents more than 25000 yoga teachers and yoga schools that meet the globally recognized training standards.

Living Yoga School is a yoga alliance recognized school. All yoga teachers who have accomplished a specific standard of yoga teacher training like 500 Hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, or 300-hour yoga teacher training course, or a 500 hour yoga teacher training course receive a completion certification from RYS. They become qualified to register as yoga teachers with the yoga alliance as RYT-200 certification or RYT-500.

RYT 500 certification offers you an international identity of your knowledge, experience, and training. People feel confident in hiring you as they know your expertise and training meet the Alliance's standards.

Upcoming Dates For Our 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Course

Eligibility For 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC

For a 500-hour yoga teacher training certification course, anyone and from anywhere can join, no matter what is their background, religion, or nationality.

There are no educational prerequisites for joining the program. The age of the aspirant must not extend to 60 and should not be less than eight years.

Course Date


Course Price

6 Sharing Room

4 Sharing Room

2 Sharing Room

Private Room

Book Now

Limited Offer

1st Mar To 29th Apr 2025

02 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

1st Apr To 29th May 2025

04 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

1st May To 29th Jun 2025

03 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

1st Jun To 29th Jul 2025

03 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

1st Jul To 29th Aug 2025

03 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

1st Aug To 29th Sep 2025

07 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

1st Sep To 29th Oct 2025

06 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

1st Oct To 29th Nov 2025

07 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

1st Nov To 29th Dec 2025

06 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

1st Dec To 29th Jan 2026

06 Seats left

$2099$2699(Females Only)

6 Sharing Room

$2299$2899(Females Only)

4 Sharing Room


2 Sharing Room


Private Room

What's Included And Excluded From Our Training Fees?

Below are the complete details about the services and facilities included in your training fee:

What does the course cost cover?

  • Shared Accommodation
  • Yoga Books and Manuals
  • Notebook and pen
  • Satkarma Kits
  • Healing Fire Ceremony in the beginning and end
  • Evening Ganga Beach Meditation
  • Kirtan Evening in Ganga beach
  • A Himalayan sightseeing trip to Kunjapuri
  • Weekend excursions
  • Free taxi pick-up from Dehradun Airport
  • Tapovan Secret Waterfall
  • Daily Nutritious Vegetarian meals, juices and teas

What does the course cost Not cover?

  • Private Accommodation (An additional 500 USD)
  • Air-conditioning (An additional 150 USD)
  • Visa fee/air fare/taxi pick-up from Delhi, Haridwar

Rooms, Food, And Other Facilities At Living Yoga School

accommodation at living yoga school

Yoga Hall Rishikesh

accommodation at living yoga school

Accommodation Room View

accommodation at living yoga school

Living Yoga School Surrounding


A clean room with attached bathroom will be provided. The bathroom will have 24x7 running hot water & 24 x 7 WIFI.


Three Sattvic meals will be provided in a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every meal will be a complete balance of nutrition which is apt and suiting the Yogic Life. Sattvic diet includes green leafy vegetables cooked with Indian herbs and spices, curry, bread, fruits and vegetables. Coffee or tea will be provided twice in a day.

We serve mostly vegetarian dishes. But with the requirement of the students we also provide:

  • Vegan
  • Lactose free
  • Gluten free
  • Fruits & Salad
  • Vegetarian
  • Ayurvedic khichdi

Book Now

food at living yoga school

Food In Rishikesh

food at living yoga school

Food In Rishikesh

food at living yoga school

Food In Rishikesh

Excursions And Trips During Your Kundalini Yoga Course

The course would include many memories for you to take back from the Yoga Capital. On Sunday, our team arrange excursion tours to places like Kunjaouri Temples, Beatles Ashram, Geeta Ashram, Vashistha Cave. All these tours are included in the course fee. You can enjoy Traditional Indian style cuisine or International cuisine in the local scenic restaurants of Rishikesh.

  • Meditate at Kunjaouri Temple
  • Witness the legendry Beatle Ashram where Beatles once laid their Yogic Life
  • Explore the abundance of Indian Spiritual Literature at Geeta Ashram
  • Tour Vashistha Cave where legendry Rishi Vashistha emanated Samadhi
kunjapuri tample

Kunjapuri Temple

vashishtha cave

Vashishtha Cave

beatles ashram

Beatles Ashram

ganha ghat

Ganga Ghat

parmarth niketan

Parmarth Niketan

neerharh waterfall

Neergarh Waterfall

Recommended Reading For This Course

All the books including other study materials will be sent after enrolment of the course, and a online 50 hour preparatory course will be given freely.

Books Book

Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali By Swami Name

Yoga Sutra
Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh Yoga Course in Rishikesh

Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali By Swami Name

Yoga Book Yoga TTC

Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali By Swami Name

Swami Ji Book

Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali By Swami Name

Yoga Course Book

Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali By Swami Name

Yoga Sutra Book
300 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh 300 Hour Yoga TTC In India

Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali By Swami Name

Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali By Swami Name

Yoga Class in Rishikesh
Yoga Teacher Training in India Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali By Swami Name

What Can You Do After the Course?

500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In India 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

After The Course

  • Simply you cannot leave us !!! With the love, beauty, and peace of Living Yoga School, we will always be your second home and you will always be welcomed.
  • After the course ends, you can stay in our ashram to experience the Rishikesh energy deeper. (Charges apply for the facilities)
  • You can attend Guruji’sSatsang and Meditation sessions.
  • You can apply for volunteer work in one of the charities if needed. 
  • You can explore the hilly wilderness. We often arrange trekking and hiking trips.
  • You also join our other courses such as; 300 Hour YTTC, Prenatal Yoga, Kids Yoga, and more at a discount price.
  • From time to time we offer a Yoga Internship Program that gives you the chance to experience teaching yoga.

Book Your Course

If You Need To Leave Early

  • The fees are not nonrefundable.
  • You can come and join the course at any time.
  • If you want to leave 2 or 3 days before the course ends, you can apply for it. However, you will still need to complete the course and you should contact us.
  • If you complete only half the course, the certificate will not be provided. You can complete the course by using our online course facility.

On Your Free Day

  • We arrange excursion tours every Sunday which is included in your course fees. Only breakfast is provided on Sundays so that you can enjoy lunch and dinner outdoors at local scenic restaurants.
  • Every Thursday we study all the classes at the school until lunchtime and in the afternoon we visit different places as the study tour such as; different ashrams, temples, herbal gardens, Ganga Beach Yoga, etc.

What Students Say About 500 Hour YTTC

500 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course

It was a long awaited course which went for good 59 days. While I go back, I see myself as a grown person. Now I am a well certified Yoga Teacher. This intensive course has definitely increased my endurance and made me come in peace with my thoughts. I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend everyone to take this up.

  • Experience of a lifetime
  • Best place in Rishikesh to learn Yoga
  • Intensive course for advanced level students 

Rules & Refund Policy

Code of Conduct for Students

Yogic discipline and a recommended code of conduct are expected from all our dear students. Living Yoga School has the following disciplinary rules for our participants.

  • Smoking and Alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school.
  • Inform the kitchen manager in advance if you have a fast on any day to avoid food wastage.
  • Always maintain discipline within the premises and be respectful to the teachers by obeying all the rules.
  • Maintain punctuality and arrive on time for the classes – latecomers will not be permitted to join sessions.
  • Return books, maps, or any goods which you might have borrowed from our institution.
  • Living Yoga School offers accommodation only for its students who join our Yoga courses, not to friends or family.
  • Complete attendance is compulsory in all the scheduled programs of Living Yoga School.

Compliance with Yoga Alliance guidelines

Our premier Yoga institute at the heart of Rishikesh instructs every student to be aware of the following policy guidelines for students:

  • Anti-Harassment Policy: Yoga Alliance provides protection against any kind of harassment including sexual, discriminatory, personal, physical, personal, online, etc.
  • Anti-Retaliation Policy: This policy provides protection against violation of any form against those reporting violation of your code of conduct or who participate in an investigation related to a similar violation.
  • Attendance Policy: Attendance Policy offers guidelines with respect to a student’s attendance and participation in all events of the school’s Yoga Teacher Training program.

Refund Policy at Living Yoga School

  • Advance payment of course fees is non-refundable. In case of an emergency, we welcome students to join us for other Yoga training courses.
  • The school accepts course cancellation requests – but advanced deposits will not be refunded for cancellations.
  • Living Yoga School charges you nothing for course cancellation – you can simply inform the school authorities via email.

FAQs About Our 500-Hour Kundalini Yoga Training

500-hour Kundalini yoga course is a basic to advanced-level course. Anyone can join this training to learn Kundalini. The training includes a 200 and 300-hour curriculum. You can complete the training in less time by enrolling in this training. This detailed and advanced course also helps you learn faster.

Living Yoga School has designed this training for everyone. Anyone can apply for the course. You will find it perfect for yourself. If you are new in yoga field then the course starts from scratch and covers all the advanced techniques. It is very useful for both beginners and daily practitioners. After that, the level of knowledge gradually increases. In short, it helps you learn advanced kundalini techniques. So the answer is yes, the 500 hour kundalini course is best for everyone.

Living Yoga School is a certified yoga school. All our courses follow the Yoga Alliance curriculum. The intense curriculum takes 2 months to complete. You will have to practice daily in order to learn the kundalini awakening process.

  • Kundalini activation and techniques to awaken latent energy.
  • Physical postures in advanced Asanas and alignment.
  • Chakra and energy healing techniques.
  • Pranayama and advanced breathing techniques.
  • Kundalini Meditation.
  • Spiritual literature.
  • Teaching methodologies.

You can register with Yoga Alliance to teach advanced classes as soon as you complete the training and other requirements. You can teach both in-person and online classes for Kundalini. However, you must practice and master the Kundalini skills before you teach. Practicing more and more will help you to learn hidden aspects of Kundalini Yoga.

Living Yoga School is one of the best yoga schools and offers training for $xxxx. You will get more details about the training on our course page. Moreover, you can contact our team if you want to ask any questions.

RYT 500 is the highest certification you can get for Kundalini training. It covers both the 200-hour and 300-hour combined training. In short, you can complete both training in one go. It will also expand your kundalini knowledge.

Yes, Living Yoga School offers online courses so you can learn at your own pace. It includes several assignments, pre-recorded video lectures, tests, zoom meetings, and live classes. You will get really immersive experience. Choosing a course fit for your calendar and learning style is absolutely essential.

  • Learn some Kundalini yoga books.
  • Study about chakras.
  • Read spiritual books.
  • Improve your physical endurance.
  • Create spiritual goals.

You can directly contact us and we will tell you the required steps or you can fill out the application form and submit the advance fee on your own. After that, you will have to send receipt and personal information over mail or whatsapp. We will contact you soon once we receive your mail or message.

500 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

What Our Students Say About Us

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Out Of 5 Stars

Quisque dignissim pulvinar risus, varius dictum est faucibus eu. Ut ullamcorper nunc leo elementum mi nunc leo elementum mi Integer bibendum convallis Integer bibendum convallis Integer bibendum convallis elementum.

Quisque dignissim pulvinar risus, varius dictum est faucibus eu. Ut ullamcorper nunc leo elementum mi. Maecenas urna nisl.

Book Yoyur Course Now Contact For Any Enquiry

We Know This Is A Big Step For You

Quisque dignissim pulvinar risus, varius dictum est faucibus eu. Ut ullamcorper, magna nec venenatis sodales, nunc leo elementum mi, vel semper ligula ex in lectus. Maecenas urna nisl, pellentesque in mauris vitae, mattis feugiat felis. Cras feugiat nisl at lorem sollicitudin, id tincidunt risus fringilla. Integer bibendum convallis elementum. Cras mauris lacus, sodales vel pulvinar a, hendrerit in ligula. Nam elit felis, viverra vel ultricies quis, tempor ac magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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4.7 / 5.0

instagram Review

4.7 / 5.0

Get The Best Experience Of Your Life

Through participation in our yoga training classes in Rishikesh, you will be able to achieve success, get recognition, and become a member of a global community.

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What Our Graduates Say About Us

Living Yoga School Video Reviews

Yoga Teacher Training Feed Back || Erica Cumbee

Living Yoga School Review by a Student | YTTC in Rishikesh

Our Student Fheri Torres Review Online Teacher Training

Living Yoga School Google Reviews

Megan200 Hour YTTC

This was definitely one of the best experiences I ever had in my entire life. I did the 200 hour yoga teacher training course during the month of December. Living Yoga School is located on the top of a hill from which you can enjoy the view of beautiful mountains (perfect for meditation especially at sunrise/sunset). The entire staffs are so friendly, helpful and approachable. The teachers are simply amazing and so knowledgeable! I felt part of the family from the very beginning. I would sincerely recommend coming here not only for teacher training course but also to live an experience that will change your life! I cannot wait to join for the 300 hour yoga instructor coaching course! You guys are the best! See you soon!

Rosy300 Hour YTTC

I did my 200 hour and 300 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh at Living Yoga School. Very good experience during my stay. Rooms, accommodation, food and view from the top are excellent. Most experienced teachers in this school. It is the best place to become yoga instructor. If anyone wants to seek the knowledge of yoga, I recommend them to join Living Yoga School.

Sophia200 Hour Kundalini YTTC

I choose Living Yoga School because it was because it was in Rishikesh the yoga capital of the world and it's quite a peaceful little town, none of the chaos and scary atmosphere that people warn me about in India. I was able to walk by myself on the streets and nothing ever happened, I always felt safe during my stay.

Emma200 Hour YTTC

I choose the school was because of its complete schedule. Not only focused on yoga but also Pranayama, mediation, anatomy, mantra chanting and ayurveda. All these classes packed into 3 weeks of intense studying and yoga practicing which made me feel I got much more than what I paid for. If you are looking for a complete course this is the one I recommend.

Isabella200 Hour YTTC

I recommend Living Yoga School for 200 hour holistic yoga course. My teachers were for the most part very dedicated and passionate, really caring about us as students. It was difficult to get up early every morning but because classes were so interesting and the teacher so passionate I got up early everyday because I didn't want to miss a thing.

Olivia200 Hour Yoga TTC

Trusted yoga teacher training center in Rishikesh. The school also arrange certain outdoor activities; they took us to Kunjapuri temple, a meditation cave and to witness ceremonies in the Ganga River. All truly beautiful and amazing experiences that I really enjoyed.

Ava300 Hour YTTC

Living Yoga School is best School of Yoga in Rishikesh. It certainly changed my life and of course improved my yoga skills too, I now feel like I can do yoga poses I thought were impossible for me and I just stayed there one month!

Abigail200 Hour Kundalini YTTC

Best Yoga School in Rishikesh, Overall, I really enjoyed my stay in Living Yoga School it became my home away from home and I definitely want to someday come back to do 300 hours more.

Carmen200 Hour YTTC

The 200h YTT Course with Living Yoga School has been much more then expected at all levels. I want to say a big THANK YOU to the whole team, thank you to Guruji for opening the whole world of the Himalayan tradition of Yoga to us, the fantastic philosophy classes and meditation teachings, the connection and support I could feel. Thank you so much to Devesh for being such a competent, supportive and motivating teacher, for sharing not only hatha yoga and alignment knowledge but also knowledge of life and for sharing with us what really means to be a good yoga teacher. I can´t wait to go to Rishikesh and learn with them in person. In this almost 2 months process I started to see clearer into myself and make some important changes in my everyday life, developing more awareness, focus, discipline and joy. I was at first sceptical about an online format, but since the beginning I was really impressed with the online live teaching, the communication, the way everyone was supportive and experienced as well as the quality of the recorded material: so much knowledge and everything so well explained. I could write much more about how inspiring the whole experience was and how much will positivly influence my practice and the understanding of myself. I recommend this School to everyone!

Living Yoga School Trustpilot Reviews

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4.8 / 5.0

Yoga Alliance Review

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