He is humble and grounded and shows no ego or bias a man whom gives his heart for humanity. This journey will show you that within the universe there is no You & I as we are One
‘My life itself is a message, I am human, I make mistakes, these mistakes are the stepping stones for me to continue my journey as they teach me the greatest of lessons’ Yogi Vishnu. A spinner of joy, a farmer of wisdom and a support for those who need guidance - a ray of light that the world needs as he showers his grace with no bias, to learn and feel you only need to be receptive. Vishnu Panigrahi is an Indian yoga Guru and spiritual guide. His soul purpose to service humanity, give his life for charity, spreading the love and knowledge of yoga to create harmony and peace. He works relentlessly to bring this to life in the modern chaotic world, imparting his knowledge to support the cause of serving humanity. The founder of World Peace Yoga School and Samadhi Ashram ( can put in website links) - he continues to impart and guide both his world teachers and students who come to expand their knowledge.
Even before he came to the physical world - Yogi Vishnu was steeped in spiritual endeavours- his mother being the vessel to bring to the world thru deep prayer & devotion a spiritual devotee.
Growing up he followed the advise of his grandfather and meditated for salvation and moksha not the rituals or prayers for worldly materials. Vishnu would frequently serve the wandering Sadhu’s, many of which come from the special sect of knowledge bearing hatha- yogis - ‘Kum- phatia baba’s’ and their presence in Vishnu’s life left a lasting impression.
1st spiritual encounter
Vishnu gave his time to support the ill and needy at a nearby hospital. An old man who was neglected and had severe issues crossed Vishnu’s path. This was his first test - Vishnu cared for the old man over the coming days, and as a result Vishnu was blessed by this soul. Many thought Vishnu had become a a servant and mocked him for caring for this man, Vishnu from a Brahmin caste was not meant to mix with those from lower castes, However his inner strength remained true and he did not relent against the caste system in his village.
After this blessing the old man vanished and no-one remembered or could say he had been there it was almost as though God himself had come to test Vishnu’s devotion
Walk on a Yogic Path with Living Yoga School
Why Indian do Namaste Explain By Our Guru Vishnu ji
Yogi Vishnu Guruji Speech at Living Yoga School, Rishikesh
Welcoming Message for Yoga Teacher || Guru Vishnu Ji
On his arrival to the Himalayas Vishnu crossed paths with a sadhu - who would prepare him for his time with Swami Rama.
To take the path of the traditional Himalayan Yoga he was scolded, and told not to be fearful - and was told to throw all his belongings to Ganga - to part with all the worldly belongings is when you get the real God told the Sadhu
The Yogi gave Vishnu shelter and provided a cave for him to mediate in - whilst in mediation Vishnu saw a cobra - as he closed his eyes and composed his mind - his inner being spoke
"I have come to release your fear, not increase your fear"
The time came for Vishnu to leave the Yogi and go under the guidance of Swami Veda Bharti at his Gurukulam
In this 9 years - Vishnu obtained an MA in Sanskrit and MA in Yoga- whilst teaching and guiding students in the Swami Rame Institute Of Meditation.
He was blessed to have teaching from other masters such as Swami Hari( Master teacher) , Shri Mauni Babaji (currently in silence) Swami Shankarandana Ji (Kriya Yoga Master) and Swami Anand Res (Founder Viswa Shanti Mission)
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