Founder Of Living Yoga School

Guru Ji Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi
Our Founder

Founder Of Living Yoga School

He is humble and grounded and shows no ego or bias a man whom gives his heart for humanity. This journey will show you that within the universe there is no You & I as we are One

  • For some he is a Yogi
  • For some he is a Guru
  • Many call him a friend & some  call him father
  • Many love him for unknown reasons

‘My life itself is a message, I am human, I make mistakes, these mistakes are the stepping stones for me to continue my journey as they teach me the greatest of lessons’ Yogi Vishnu. A spinner of joy, a farmer of wisdom and a support for those who need guidance - a ray of light that the world needs as he showers his grace with no bias, to learn and feel you only need to be receptive. Vishnu Panigrahi is an Indian yoga Guru and spiritual guide. His soul purpose to service humanity,  give his life for charity, spreading the love and knowledge of yoga to create harmony and peace. He works relentlessly to bring this to life in the modern chaotic world, imparting his knowledge to support the cause of serving humanity. The founder of World Peace Yoga School and Samadhi Ashram ( can put in website links)  - he continues to impart and guide both his world teachers and students who come to expand their knowledge.

Where The Journey Began

Even before he came to the physical world - Yogi Vishnu was steeped in spiritual endeavours- his mother being the vessel to bring to the world thru deep prayer & devotion a spiritual devotee.

Growing up he followed the advise of his grandfather and meditated for salvation and moksha not the rituals or prayers for worldly materials. Vishnu would frequently serve the wandering Sadhu’s, many of which come from the special sect of knowledge bearing hatha- yogis - ‘Kum- phatia baba’s’ and their presence in Vishnu’s life left a lasting impression.

1st spiritual encounter

Vishnu gave his time to support the ill and needy at a nearby hospital.  An old man who was neglected and had severe issues crossed Vishnu’s path. This was his first test - Vishnu cared for the old man over the coming days, and as a result Vishnu was blessed by this soul.  Many thought Vishnu had become a a servant and mocked him for caring for this man, Vishnu from a Brahmin caste was not meant to mix with those from lower castes, However his inner strength remained true and he did not relent against the caste system in his village.

After this blessing the old man vanished and no-one remembered or could say he had been there  it was almost as though God himself had come to test Vishnu’s devotion


  • Age 15
    member of Muni same - a school of meditation and yoga (founded b a saint devoted to long periods of silence)
  • Age 18
    A- meeting with Vedanta Keshari Swami Niranjanji ‘Lion of Vedanta’ Vishnu studied for 2 years whilst at the same time acquiring a BA degree in Arts at Jyoti Vihar University.
  • Age 20
    Vishnu took his path of devotion cultivating universal love and sankirtan - Thru the Bhakti tradition and his days and nights passed in prayers and mantra recitations following the Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tradition from the 15th Century.
  • His greatest challenge
    Vishnu was diagnosed with congenital heart defect and needed open surgery. With no money or support he set of for treatment - keeping God and his resolve in his heart.
  • 12th August 1994
    he was given surgery with no one to support him or beside him whilst he underwent this life threatening surgery. 3 days later on 15th August India’s independence day - Vishnu rose and as a result made sankalpa to serve humanity during his life.
  • After this
    Vishnu - went thru the physical world duties of organising cmaps, spiritual programmes and satsang in and around his village- serving mostly the poor and under privileged. He cultivated land and agriculture eventually losing it all to flooding - however, this was the blessing that would bring Vishnu to Rishikesh.

Walk on a Yogic Path with Living Yoga School

Why Indian do Namaste Explain By Our Guru Vishnu ji

Yogi Vishnu Guruji Speech at Living Yoga School, Rishikesh

Welcoming Message for Yoga Teacher || Guru Vishnu Ji

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Course Details

Arrival To The Himalayas

On his arrival to the Himalayas Vishnu crossed paths with a sadhu - who would prepare him for his time with Swami Rama.

To take the path of the traditional Himalayan Yoga he was scolded, and told not to be fearful - and was told to throw all his belongings to Ganga - to part with all the worldly belongings is when you get the real God told the Sadhu

2nd Spiritual Encounter

 The Yogi gave Vishnu shelter and provided a cave for him to mediate in - whilst in mediation Vishnu saw a cobra - as he closed his eyes and composed his mind - his inner being spoke

"I have come to release your fear, not increase your fear"

The time came for Vishnu to leave the Yogi and go under the guidance of Swami Veda Bharti at his Gurukulam

In this 9 years - Vishnu obtained an MA in Sanskrit and MA in Yoga- whilst teaching and guiding students in the Swami Rame Institute Of Meditation.

He was blessed to have teaching from other masters such as Swami Hari( Master teacher) , Shri Mauni Babaji (currently in silence)  Swami Shankarandana Ji (Kriya Yoga Master) and Swami Anand Res (Founder Viswa Shanti Mission)

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Through participation in our yoga training classes in Rishikesh, you will be able to achieve success, get recognition, and become a member of a global community.

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Megan200 Hour YTTC

This was definitely one of the best experiences I ever had in my entire life. I did the 200 hour yoga teacher training course during the month of December. Living Yoga School is located on the top of a hill from which you can enjoy the view of beautiful mountains (perfect for meditation especially at sunrise/sunset). The entire staffs are so friendly, helpful and approachable. The teachers are simply amazing and so knowledgeable! I felt part of the family from the very beginning. I would sincerely recommend coming here not only for teacher training course but also to live an experience that will change your life! I cannot wait to join for the 300 hour yoga instructor coaching course! You guys are the best! See you soon!

Rosy300 Hour YTTC

I did my 200 hour and 300 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh at Living Yoga School. Very good experience during my stay. Rooms, accommodation, food and view from the top are excellent. Most experienced teachers in this school. It is the best place to become yoga instructor. If anyone wants to seek the knowledge of yoga, I recommend them to join Living Yoga School.

Sophia200 Hour Kundalini YTTC

I choose Living Yoga School because it was because it was in Rishikesh the yoga capital of the world and it's quite a peaceful little town, none of the chaos and scary atmosphere that people warn me about in India. I was able to walk by myself on the streets and nothing ever happened, I always felt safe during my stay.

Emma200 Hour YTTC

I choose the school was because of its complete schedule. Not only focused on yoga but also Pranayama, mediation, anatomy, mantra chanting and ayurveda. All these classes packed into 3 weeks of intense studying and yoga practicing which made me feel I got much more than what I paid for. If you are looking for a complete course this is the one I recommend.

Isabella200 Hour YTTC

I recommend Living Yoga School for 200 hour holistic yoga course. My teachers were for the most part very dedicated and passionate, really caring about us as students. It was difficult to get up early every morning but because classes were so interesting and the teacher so passionate I got up early everyday because I didn't want to miss a thing.

Olivia200 Hour Yoga TTC

Trusted yoga teacher training center in Rishikesh. The school also arrange certain outdoor activities; they took us to Kunjapuri temple, a meditation cave and to witness ceremonies in the Ganga River. All truly beautiful and amazing experiences that I really enjoyed.

Ava300 Hour YTTC

Living Yoga School is best School of Yoga in Rishikesh. It certainly changed my life and of course improved my yoga skills too, I now feel like I can do yoga poses I thought were impossible for me and I just stayed there one month!

Abigail200 Hour Kundalini YTTC

Best Yoga School in Rishikesh, Overall, I really enjoyed my stay in Living Yoga School it became my home away from home and I definitely want to someday come back to do 300 hours more.

Carmen200 Hour YTTC

The 200h YTT Course with Living Yoga School has been much more then expected at all levels. I want to say a big THANK YOU to the whole team, thank you to Guruji for opening the whole world of the Himalayan tradition of Yoga to us, the fantastic philosophy classes and meditation teachings, the connection and support I could feel. Thank you so much to Devesh for being such a competent, supportive and motivating teacher, for sharing not only hatha yoga and alignment knowledge but also knowledge of life and for sharing with us what really means to be a good yoga teacher. I can´t wait to go to Rishikesh and learn with them in person. In this almost 2 months process I started to see clearer into myself and make some important changes in my everyday life, developing more awareness, focus, discipline and joy. I was at first sceptical about an online format, but since the beginning I was really impressed with the online live teaching, the communication, the way everyone was supportive and experienced as well as the quality of the recorded material: so much knowledge and everything so well explained. I could write much more about how inspiring the whole experience was and how much will positivly influence my practice and the understanding of myself. I recommend this School to everyone!

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